Zaida: A Documentary

With no prior documentary experience, Sophie made her documentary short, Zaida, after the riot in Charlottesville in 2017. She was overwhelmed with an urgent need to share her grandfather's story. Sophie’s Zaida escaped from the Holocaust at the age of 12 and went on to become a globally recognized psychoanalyst, dedicating his life's work to the prevention of prejudice. With so few survivors left, telling his story felt more urgent than ever.

Zaida has since reached audiences across the country, screening at The Chagrin Documentary Film Festival, The Boston Jewish Film Festival, Indy Film Fest, St. Louis International Film Fest, The Twin Cities Jewish Film Festival, The Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, Flickers' Rhode Island International Roving Eye Film Festival, The Jacob Burns Jewish Film Festival, and at The Coronado Island Film Festival, where it won The Best Documentary Short Jury Award, and The Best Documentary Short Audience Award.

Zaida has also screened at museums, schools, and community centers across the country.


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